Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Eyes: How Iridology Is A Window Into Your Reproductive Health

Iridology is a Window into Your Reproductive Health

There are many reproductive complaints, including loss of libido, overactive or under-active sex drive, sterility, degenerative diseases, pain syndromes, and other disorders that affect both genders. There can be many predisposing conditions, and many combinations of these, that may influence the outcome, or the symptomatic expression, of what is going on internally on an individual basis.

There are many factors that may be less commonly known and addressed that can make a profound difference in any treatment regime for reproductive complaints. Some of these important factors can be discovered by a non-invasive method of analysis such as iridology.

Iridology is the science and practice of studying the fibers of the iris, or colored part, of the eye. The iris is an extension of the nervous system. It is linked to the brain via the optic nerve. Information-gathering nerve cells from all over the body also feed information into the nerve fibers of the iris.

These fibers of the iris “know,” in a sense, what is going on in all areas of the body. Along with various physiological aspects, the iris will reveal personality, behavioral, emotional, and other energetic patterns that may be influencing or contributing to any particular complaint. The iris will also reveal the strengths of the physical body, personality, behavioral patterns, and energy systems that will bring us to new levels of self-understanding and self care.

iridology chart

The iris of the eye will reveal many factors that influence reproductive health

  • It will show the potential health of all the glands of the endocrine system, and of the brain areas that influence the hormonal balance of the body.
  • It will indicate the health of the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands, which, when not functioning optimally, will negatively impact the genital system.
  • It will show the integrity of the brain areas that are directly and indirectly responsible for the health of the reproductive organs.
  • There are iris signs that will show emotional, mental, and other energetic patterns and stresses that may be contributing to reproductive challenges.
  • The iris will show if our foodstuffs are being digested and assimilated for proper use by the body.
  • It will show if toxic settlements may be influencing the fertility organs.
  • The iris will reveal the tendency for mechanical implications, such as colon prolapse and its effects on the lower pelvic organs. When there is a prolapse of the transverse colon, nerve force and blood supply to the reproductive organs may be inhibited, resulting in an array of complaints, including sterility.

There are other physiological conditions that will influence the health of the genital organs that are simple to assess by iridology or other non-invasive methods. The condition of the lower spine and its nerve supply to the reproductive organs will have a profound effect on reproductive health, as will nerve force in general. Anemia, the acid-base balance of the body, and mineral balance all have a role to play in fertility complaints.

There are factors in the environment and in the lifestyle that we may not even think about when trying to bring the reproductive system into a state of optimal health. For example, Russian research on microwave ovens, brought into public knowledge by many researchers and authors, including Robert O. Becker (“The Body Electric”), and Dr. Lita Lee (“Health Effects of Microwave Radiation-Microwave Ovens”), has shown that eating microwaved foods or even just being exposed to the energy fields emanating from microwave ovens has resulted in increased cancer rates, decreased food absorption and utilization, compromised neurological function, hair loss, an interruption in the production of hormones and a challenge to the maintenance of hormonal balance in both men and women, among many other complaints.

Other electro-magnetic frequency pollution will also compromise reproductive health. For example, research by William Bennett, environmental consultant for the New World Institute in Santa Cruz, CA, has shown, using Biofield Analysis, that the human energy field shrinks to 15-30% of its ideal size just from the exposure to EMFs in the home.

emfs danger

This certainly plays into many complaints, including infertility. Fruit flies, in similar research involving exposure to the energy fields emanating from computer monitors, have shown pronounced inability to reproduce after three generations. A report by Kaiser Permanente claimed that pregnant women who spent more than six hours per day working on a computer had more than twice the frequency of miscarriages of women who did not. These disturbing electromagnetic fields can be neutralized by application of various specific devices that are quite cost effective.

Prescription and non-prescription medications can have effects on genital health, as can chemical food additives. Hormones present in flesh foods, and pesticide and herbicide residues in non-organically grown foods can also play a role in compromising reproductive function.

Stresses and unresolved traumas, sitting or driving for long periods of time on a regular basis, and lack of exercise, can all contribute to reproductive complaints or worsen the symptomology of an existing complaint.

For men, even a simple thing like wearing underwear that keeps the testicles close to the body will lower sperm count and viability. Healthy sperm is produced at a few degrees below body temperature; keeping the testicles close to the body will keep the environment too warm for healthy sperm production.

The sex fluids are the most concentrated fluids in the body. Toxicity in the body, including various chemicals from impure foods or other exposure, will concentrate in these fluids, influencing reproductive capacity (and the potential health of the offspring) in both partners as the fluids are shared.

To treat any infertility complaint, it is essential that a healthy lifestyle is in place. The genital organs do not function separate from the whole organism. Iridology and other non-invasive methods of analysis, and some practical lifestyle evaluations and changes, can give us the tools that we need to promote the overall health that can bring reproductive disorders into balance, in spite of a challenging environment.

Read More Here: The Eyes: How Iridology Is A Window Into Your Reproductive Health

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